Custom decorator and globals in modes
Decorators are a Storybook mechanism that allows you to augment stories with extra rendering functionality. They enable you to provide mock context, translations, or any other project-level settings that a component depends on.
By combining decorators with modes, you can test a story with various project-level configurations.
Configure your decorator
Let’s consider the following example that uses a decorator & globals to switch locale of a story. It uses the react-i18next library to provide translations.

The locale values are defined using global types. The withI18next
decorator retrieves the value of the locale
global and applies it to I18nextProvider
, enabling us to test stories with different translations.
// .storybook/preview.js
import React, { Suspense } from "react";
import { I18nextProvider } from "react-i18next";
import i18n from "../src/i18n";
// Wrap your stories in the I18nextProvider component
const withI18next = (Story, context) => {
const { locale } = context.globals;
// When the locale global changes
// Set the new locale in i18n
useEffect(() => {
}, [locale]);
return (
// This catches the suspense from components not yet ready (still loading translations)
// Alternative: set useSuspense to false on i18next.options.react when initializing i18next
<Suspense fallback={<div>loading translations...</div>}>
<I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>
<Story />
const preview = {
decorators: [withI18next],
globalTypes: {
locale: {
name: "Locale",
description: "Internationalization locale",
toolbar: {
icon: "globe",
items: [
{ value: "en", title: "English" },
{ value: "de", title: "Deutsch" },
{ value: "ar", title: "عربي" },
showName: true,
export default preview;
Define decorator specific modes
Modes are defined in the .storybook/modes.js
file. If your project doesn’t have this file yet, go ahead and create it. Set the value for the global associated with your decorator using the chromatic[mode_name].[global_name]
parameter. For example:
// .storybook/modes.js
export const allModes = {
english: {
locale: "en",
german: {
locale: "de",
arabic: {
locale: "ar",
Apply modes to enable your decorator
With the above set of modes, we can apply them as follows:
// ArticleCard.stories.js
import { allModes } from "../.storybook/modes";
import { MyComponent } from "./MyComponent";
export default {
component: MyComponent,
title: "MyComponent",
parameters: {
chromatic: {
//🔶 Test each story for MyComponent in three modes
modes: {
english: allModes["english"],
german: allModes["german"],
arabic: allModes["arabic"],
export const Base = {
args: {
When Chromatic captures your story, it will create three snapshots on your build, with the corresponding global/decorator enabled. Each mode will have an independent baselines and require distinct approval.